Heads’ Letters

As I write this, I wonder how I'm going to fit 5 years of passion and hard work into a small letter. Only a year ago, around this time, I was still learning the inner workings of a conference, and somehow this year, I am the one doing the inner workings.

It feels surreal to think that such a long and unforgettable journey with NOSMUN is coming to an end in January. Being a part of the MUN community has given me skills I never thought possible, especially as a shaky, nervous 8th grader. To be able to voice my thoughts and opinions on some of the most intricate political issues, in a safe space that nurtures growth and acceptance, is such a privilege to have. Not many can say that they have the room to discuss the complexities of the world with like-minded individuals. 

For many, this is just another thing you want to add to your university applications, but to me, and to many in the MUN community, it is so much more. My ever-growing passion for speaking up on injustices, and giving youth the opportunity to do the same, is something I will never lose.  

Working with a team, I now consider my second family, makes this journey even more special. To work towards a conference, with some of the smartest, most passionate, and hardworking individuals has truly been an honour. 

With that being said, I am certain that all of our love and dedication being poured into the conference will be seen by you. Therefore, I hope you are all as excited as I am for NOSMUN’24. 

See you in January!!!


Yasmina Shadad

MUN has shaped the person I am today in so many more ways than one. The cliches all apply here: I gained confidence, enhanced my public speaking abilities, and the list goes on.

But what isn't as often spoken about is the community MUN, and specifically NOSMUN, surrounded me with. I found myself working tirelessly with a brilliant team to create a conference no one can forget.

From hours on end working on videos and posts with the media and IT team,  to endless hours spent modifying topic briefs with the crisis team, I can confidently say that the team I was blessed with never goes unappreciated, and is a team I now consider like a second family. 

I can only hope that through NOSMUN’24, more delegates will climb up the MUN ladder to eventually feel the energy and passion that the NOSMUN team possesses.

Knowing this is going to be my last conference is a bittersweet moment. The most valuable friendships I made were through this after-school club, and most lessons were learned by making mistakes on the podium, and slowly adapting.  MUN will always hold a special place in my heart, and so will the NOSMUN family.

Head of Conference

Lama Moucattash

Becoming a part of NOSMUN in eighth grade transformed my perspective beyond the ordinary conference experience. It ignited a passion for global change and self-discovery, turning each conference into a platform for setting future goals.

Witnessing the chaos preceding disasters fueled my motivation, bolstering my courage to eventually support the NOSMUN secretariat team as a crisis officer. Stepping into the leadership role of a crisis committee was a pivotal moment that shaped my character and honed my leadership skills. NOSMUN, specifically, has been an adventure that transcends mere conference boundaries, showcasing a commitment to fostering positive change. It's where chaos transforms into meaningful discourse, and aspirations evolve into actionable steps. The challenges faced and friendships made have permanently molded me, making MUN an integral part of my personal growth and leadership journey, profoundly influencing my mission to create global change.

Therefore, I am thrilled to announce my role as head of crisis, and I hope that first-time delegates experience the same excitement I felt in the eighth grade.

Head of Crisis 

Ahmad Nihad

When I first started my NOSMUN journey in 2020, I only viewed it as an extracurricular, something to add to my CV. It is safe to say that 4 years later, as the Head of Media and IT, NOSMUN it is everything but an extracurricular. It’s family!

Joining the secretariat team meant that I get to experience the making of this esteemed conference. The Media & IT Team is responsible for everything you see in NOSMUN. Everything in front of you, from plaque cards, badges, banners, social media platforms, and even this website that you are reading this letter off, is the result of the hard work and efforts of every single person on this team. Every meeting and even conference just proves the idea that “NOSMUN is like family” is true.

I am eternally grateful for having such a wonderful team that is the backbone of NOSMUN and is dedicated to keeping up with the standards of this conference.

Writing this letter got me thinking of what the next conferences are going to look like, logo, color pallet, etc…However, I assure you that NOSMUN is in safe hands. NOSMUN’s legacy will not fade away.

I still cannot believe this is going to be my last conference, but I cannot wait to meet you all.

See you in January!!

Head of Media & IT

Talal Hudhud

It’s honestly surreal to me to be able to write this letter as the Head of Training. After five years in MUN and countless experiences, I've finally reached my last year in this club.

MUN has been such a pleasantly important part of the past few years, and it has shown me a new side of myself and all the other people I've met. Being part of the training team for three years, I've found a niche in the team that truly fulfills me.

Watching a new class of delegates enter the club each year gives me a firm stance of hope for the future of NOSMUN and the talented students we welcome each year. The same goes for the wonderful training team this year; I've seen all of you put your all into ensuring these students end up the best of the best in any conference they join. I, alongside the amazing NOSMUN family, am so immensely proud of all the work put into this year's training sessions.

Sadly, this will be my last year with this team. However, I have complete confidence in the team's prospects and am grateful that I had the opportunity to work with you all.

Head of Training

Noor Tariq

MUN has shaped the person I am today in so many more ways than one. The cliches all apply here: I gained confidence, enhanced my public speaking abilities, and the list goes on.

But what isn't as often spoken about is the community MUN, and specifically NOSMUN, surrounded me with. I found myself working tirelessly with a brilliant team to create a conference no one can forget.

From hours on end working on videos and posts with the media and IT team,  to endless hours spent modifying topic briefs with the crisis team, I can confidently say that the team I was blessed with never goes unappreciated, and is a team I now consider like a second family. 

I can only hope that through NOSMUN’24, more delegates will climb up the MUN ladder to eventually feel the energy and passion that the NOSMUN team possesses.

Knowing this is going to be my last conference is a bittersweet moment. Most valuable friendships I made were through this after school club, and most lessons were learned by making mistakes on the podium, and slowly adapting.  Mun will always hold a special place in my heart, and so will the NOSMUN family.

Head of Finance

Lama Moucattash

Joining the NOSMUN family in 2020 has been an incredible journey filled with growth, and limitless possibilities. From my first steps into the world of Model United Nations, I  was driven by a shared passion for diplomacy and global issues. Each conference has been a stepping stone, empowering me to raise my voice, build bridges, and make unforgettable memories.

But with late discovery, I found myself behind the lens capturing memories in this kaleidoscope of experiences. 

As the head of photography, capturing the essence and spirit of the NOSMUN team for the past two years has been an enchanting adventure. Through my lens, I have witnessed the magic of collaboration, the beauty of diverse perspectives, and the power of unity.

Through the click of a shutter, I have frozen memories that will forever remind us of our collective achievements and the bonds we have formed. The NOSMUN team, with its vibrant energy and unwavering passion, has become my home. I am honored to be a witness to the moments that shaped my and my second family’s journey.

Head of Photography 

Carla Nassar

Hello everyone, my name is Faris Qaqish and I am excited to be your head of staff and security for NOSMUN’24. My journey with MUN started off late, but that did not take away from my passion for working towards the conference.

As part of the secretariat team, I was able to work with the most intelligent and hardworking people, who have contributed so much to the conference. I am so happy to be able to say that I was a part of such a close-knit team. Being a major factor in the organization of the conference is a big responsibility, but it is one I take seriously and one I will make the most out of.

Staff and security are the pillars of structure and decorum, therefore I will take it upon myself to ensure that this conference runs as smoothly as ever, with the help of my team members. I hope to see you all in January for one of the most memorable experiences.

Head of Staff & Security, 

Faris Qaqish