Thank you Media & IT Team!

 A special thanks to the NOSMUN’24 Media and IT team for their hard work and dedication. Their creativity and innovation were what made the website you are viewing today.

Thank you all!

  • Talal Hudhud (Head of media and IT for NOSMUN’24)

    • Laith Karadsheh (Deputy Head of Media and IT for NOSMUN’24)

    • Faris Karadsheh (Deputy Head of Media and IT for NOSMUN’24)

    • Lynn Mismar (Media and IT Officer for NOSMUN’24)

    • Faris Qaqish (Media and IT Officer for NOSMUN’24)

    • Seta Ohanian (Media and IT Officer for NOSMUN’24)

    • Issam Habash (Media and IT Officer for NOSMUN’24)

    • Lujayn Injadat (Media and IT Officer for NOSMUN’24)

    • Talia Dallal (Media and IT Officer for NOSMUN’24)

    • Jude Abdullah (Media and IT Officer for NOSMUN’24)