Human Rights


Dear Delegates of the Human Rights Council,

I am Maya Jarrar, and it is with great honor that I serve as your president at NOSMUN’24. Currently as a senior at the NOS,  MUN has been an integral part of my life for the past five years. As this conference holds a special place in my heart, being my last, I kindly ask each of you to approach it with the same dedication and care. The Human Rights Council's mission is to address global humanitarian crises and issues, leading to many heated debates and discussions. I encourage all of you to be well-prepared for the upcoming endeavors. While the Human Rights Council typically follows standard procedures, there is no reason for it to be dull. With this year's pressing topics and the passion I hope you bring to the table, let's collectively strive to create a memorable experience for everyone. In light of the recent crimes against humanity in Gaza, I firmly believe that the Human Rights Council is the most crucial committee at NOSMUN. Together, let's aim to achieve what even the greatest political leaders struggle with daily—addressing the State of emergency  in Ethiopia and the ill-treatment of Bahraini prisoners, ensuring their right to a fair trial.

Dear delegates, let's collaborate to make NOSMUN’24 the best conference yet. I encourage you to embrace mistakes, take risks, and, most importantly, enjoy the experience.See you all in January.

Sincerely yours,

Maya Jarrar

President of the Human Rights Council

Topic 1: Investigating the ill-treatment of Bahraini prisoners and the revocation of their right to a fair trial

Bahrain has been consistently facing international scrutiny of alleged human rights violations against its prisoners, and reports of all sorts of ill-treatment have been made against them. This has raised concerns for global human rights organizations. Calls for action to address these violations are awaited by many women, men, and children. These reports include torture, denial of fair trials, suppression of dissent, denial of medical care, and many more. However, the Bahrain government has denied these allegations, making it more difficult for the general public to take sides since credible politicians are denying what seems like factual information. The cruciality of this issue exceeds the public’s eye and is overshadowed by a variety of other conflicts occurring around the world. The HRC is concerned about the ongoing situation in Bahrain, and so we must consider solutions that will put an end to these basic human rights violations.

 Topic 2: Addressing the state of emergency in Ethiopoia

Serious human rights violations have risen from the ongoing violence in Ethiopia, particularly in the Tigray region, which started in November 2020. The situation has drawn attention from all over the world. A few examples of the abuses are forced relocation, brutality against innocent civilians, and restricted access to humanitarian help.

International organizations have voiced concern and demanded investigations into these human rights breaches since the crisis in northern Ethiopia began in 2020. The main goal is to understand the situation on the ground and identify the individuals behind these violations. Numerous civilians have been caught in the crossfire of this political conflict and as a result, have suffered greatly. Many people have had to leave their homes since June 2021, while others have fallen victim to the violence committed by the Ethiopian authorities who’ve effectively besieged Tigray.

The situation in Ethiopia is a complex and ongoing human rights crisis, with the international community closely monitoring the developments. The effects of the fighting are extensive, impacting not just those actively involved but also those residing nearby. The conflict has political, social-economic, and historical roots. New information is constantly coming to light, and the situation is ever-changing. The response from the international community has been diverse, with many countries and organizations adopting various positions. The need for humanitarian aid is urgent, and the search for a resolution continues.

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